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NO.TitlePublish Date
161Is there any restriction on the capital amount for small & medium enterprises applying for the incentives & subsidies of the Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development?2011-05-10
162What is the starting date for the new tax rate after the submission of an application for change in the use of a house?2011-05-04
163How to determine the value of a deed?2011-05-04
164What is the scope of Deed Tax? What situation may cause Deed Tax to become obligatory for a taxpayer to declare?2011-05-04
165What is the tax scope of the Vehicle License Tax?2011-05-04
166Who are the taxpayers of vehicle license tax?2011-05-04
167What is the tax scope of the amusement tax?2011-05-04
168What are the rates of amusement tax?2011-05-04
169If he or she calculates the land value increment tax by the tax rate of regular land at first, may he or she apply to calculate it by the tax rate of residential land for self-use?2011-05-04
170Who are the taxpayers of amusement tax?2011-05-04
171When to affix the tax stamp to the documents subject to the stamp tax?2011-05-04
172How to deal with the tax amount which is too large that the affixation of tax stamps is inconvenient?2011-05-04
173How to cancel the affixed stamps?2011-05-04
174When should one apply for the privileged land value tax rate for self-use residential land?2011-05-03
175When will the land value tax be levied?2011-05-03
176How can I find the website related to hot springs in Taipei City, and whether they provide geographic information inquiry service?2011-04-28
177Which hot spring areas are the tourist attractions that we can take a hot spring bath and admire the geology scenes at the same time?2011-04-28
178How much is the audit fee to apply for hot springs development permission?2011-04-28
179What can I do if I disagree with the sanctions according to “Taipei Municipal Self-Government Ordinance for Guidance, Assistance, and Administration of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction to Industry and Commerce”?2011-04-28
180How to follow the room temperature standard of “Taipei Municipal Self-Government Ordinance for Guidance, Assistance, and Administration of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction to Industry and Commerce”?2011-04-28