Come, the pictures will speak to you! Famous Artworks from the Perspective of Drug Addiction —Special Tour Exhibition in Northern Taiwan
Taipei City Hospital Songde Branch is conducting a project of the Anti-Drug Information Resource Center, Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. From August to October 2022, it will sponsor the Famous Artworks from the Perspective of Drug Addiction—Special tour exhibition in northern Taiwan in collaboration with Taipei Port Container Terminal Corp. and Taipei City Hospital Yangming Branch. With the theme of the changes of people’s characters and physical conditions after abusing drugs, the famous paintings of renowned painters are modified to allow viewers to compare them before and after drug abuse in order to reveal the additive process and sufferings of drug abuse. It aims to inspire viewers to learn about drug abuse to stay away from drugs and avoid falling into the trap of drug addiction. The messages of anti-drug and drug addiction prevention are communicated through the cross-over art exhibition. Chi-Ting Tseng, the Director of the Pharmacy Department, Taipei City Hospital Songde Branch explained that for example, in this special exhibition, the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by da Vinci has been modified to present the shortcomings of Mona Lisa – her pupils have shrunk (myosis), and she has become skinny because of sickness, skin problems, etc. after heroine addiction. Her physical conditions appear to differ significantly from her past, when she was clean and healthy, to tell people about the hazards of heroin addiction of people. In another painting, Pandora of Rossetti, tells the story of Pandora that opened the box filled with drugs, which brought her physical damage. Viewers can see lumps on her face, her pupils are dilated (corectasis), and other symptoms. It tells people that curiosity is the first step to drug addiction. From August 2 to September 1, the paintings were exhibited at Taipei Port Container Terminal Corp. During the exhibition, there were three physical check-ups for its staff and anti-drug activities sponsored by the Agency Against Corruption and Customs Administration. Guided tours were available during the exhibition. From September 7 to September 28, it was exhibited at Taipei City Hospital Songde Branch. Guided tours were available from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on September 16. The exhibition will be held at Taipei City Hospital Yangming Branch from October 3 to October 26. Guided tours will be available from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on October 3. People and staff of the hospitals are welcome. Let’s boost our knowledge of fighting against drug abuse and say no to drugs courageously. References: About the Special Exhibition – National Museum of Natural Science (Website: