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The Gyeonggi Province public servants visit Taipei for the first time to 2 weeks of exchange and training

The Gyeonggi province Human Resource Development Institute (GPHRDI) official governor Choi Myeong Bog led 15 provincial and local civil servants to the Taipei City Government for a 14-day training from August 26th to September 8th in 2018. The Department of Civil Servant Development (DCSD) arranged a series of training classes and on site visite for the civil servants to exchange and visit.
The training was based on the Memorandum signed by the DCSD and GPHRDI on August, 2017. The DCSD’s Commissioner Chao-Hsiang Chu led 15 civil servants of the Taipei City Government to the GPHRDI on December, 2017 to exchange experiences on industry, technology, transportation and tourism. The GPHRDI assembled the team to training and study courses including garbage disposal, resource reuse, environmental education, transportation operation, cultural experience and disaster response. Which allowed the Gyeonggi Province civil servants to observe the economic development, city construction and culture, and increase their understanding of the Taipei City Government.