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2021 First “Trends Forum” Under the Theme of “Diversity Inclusion, Innovation Taipei” by the Department of Civil Servant Development Took Place on April 6th

  Taipei, with more than a century of history, has a DNA of democracy, freedom, diversity, and innovation that brings openness, energetic inclusion, and innovative minds. For our employees and citizens to better understand inclusion and innovative actions promoted by the city government, this “Trends Forum” is themed on “Diversity Inclusion, Innovation Taipei” and demonstrates the image and cultural attraction of Taipei City.

  According to Tom T.C. Chou, Department of Civil Servant Development (DCSD) Commissioner, the DCSD’s duty is to train city government’s staff to meet the needs of policies and department’s requirements and to nurture talents for municipal governance. Commissioner Chou indicated that the city government has been promoting numerous policies integrating local cultures, such as the 5+3 Environment Museums which are beyond the usual ideas of the museum and allow citizens to discover stories behind streets, buildings, and religions of Taipei. Finally, Chou wishes that through Tsai’s speech, the Deputy Mayor, and precise point of view by other speakers, participants can know better understand the current development of the city’s cultural brand - “Diversity Inclusion, Innovation Taipei” promoted by the city government.

  Deputy Mayor Tsai’s speech themed on “Stories.Happening all around you all the time” uses the idea of making culture walk into streets to 5 Environment Museums—Wanhua, Dadaocheng, Beitou Hot Spring, South Taipei NTU, North Taipei Corridor, with a video presentation to let participants better understand how Taipei promotes inclusion, uses four-season movable footprint map to sense local cultural features of each area, reinforce the strength of the city, builds localized, industrialized and internationalized urban cultural brand, and deepens local cultural identity.

  The event also invited Yun-Chen LI, Manager of Tvkbro,  Tsung-Hsiung TSAI, Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, and Se-Chen LAI, Chairman of the Taiwan Tourism Interchange Association to join the panel of discussion of the forum. Manager LI led the audience to go through the development of a new cultural blueprint for integration and innovation of Taipei through questions and answers. Director TSAI shared his experience of promoting the Environment Museum (no enclosure wall museum) policy. Through vertical integration and horizontal connection, cooperation with each department, and taking stock of community opinions and resources, promote from a bottom to top and top to bottom together. Chairman LAI shared how to connect tourism in Taipei and to innovate Taipei travel plans by applying the idea of a no-enclosure wall museum. He also pointed out the competitive tourism conditions that Taipei has, such as safety, human interaction, convenient transportation, and cultural diversity, and so on. The Environment Museum (no-enclosure wall museum) is suitable for promoting the five senses of tourist lifestyle experience and for promoting effectively Taipei’s urban cultural tourism.

  Outside the venue, videos and posters related to the theme were displayed to demonstrate the outcome of the Environment Museum (no-enclosure wall museum) promotion. In addition, in response to Covid-19 epidemic prevention, this event required real-name verification as well as online live streaming, Slido Q&A, and the adoption of other virtual and real teaching methods. Other governments’ employees promoting similar events and people interested in the topic were invited to join online simultaneously.