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The Department of Finance (DOF), Taipei City Government (TCG) promotes smart finance and taxation at the International Smart City Forum

The 2023 Smart City Summit & Expo returned to physical meetings and started at Taipei Nangang International Exhibition Center on March 28. Dozens of countries, hundreds of city leaders, municipal representatives and enterprises gathered in Taipei to discuss digital governance and digital transformation under economic recovery. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended the Mayors' round tables, exchanging ideas with various cities about the application of emerging technologies and digital tools to facilitate industrial digital transformation and cooperation between the cities.

On March 29, Commissioner You gave 2 speeches titled “Towards a Smart & Net Zero Taipei” to promote the concept of follow-up promotion of the Self-Government Ordinance for the Management of Net-Zero Emissions, in response to the 2050 net-zero emissions issue. “After Mayor Chiang took up office, the DOF launched the national first "video rental service cloud", and used the experience of the promotion of electronic applications for expense reimbursement and cross-domain cooperation of the Taipei Shwoo Website to echo the effort of 2050 net-zero emissions.” Commissioner You said.

In addition, in the speech on “Smart Finance and Taxation”, You pointed out that Taipei City's financial capability has ranked as the first-level among 6 municipalities in Taiwan by the central government. World Council on City Data has also awarded the highest level of platinum certification to the TCG for several consecutive years, and its financial indicators have performed well internationally. Facing the challenge of the pandemic, the DOF and Taipei City Revenue Service have launched various e-services, including Tax Virtual Service Cloud, a full-featured Automated Tax Service Machine, big data optimization of street value for housing tax, and other services. These services have made tax revenue stable in the past few years. 

By exchanging ideas on the prospects and challenges of achieving the goals of ending poverty and reducing carbon emissions on SDGs, and how big data and AI technology can help optimize taxation processes with many experts from all around the world, TCG hopes that Taipei can achieve "Supporting Construction with Finance" and "Cultivating Finance with Construction" through the introduction of smart technology, and improve government efficiency.