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When a dispute occurs between an employer and a foreign worker (white collar or blue collar), which agency can they contact to help mediate the dispute?

Since the launch of the “foreign worker 24 hour counseling and protection hotline – 1955” on July 1st, 1999, employers and employees can dial “1955” on cellphones, pay-phone, or any other landline phones in Taipei City. Besides speaking Chinese, the representatives for the hotline can also speak English, Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese. The two major services provided on the hotline are:

  1. Counseling: legal consultation on questions concerning employment contracts, wages, work hours, occupational injuries or hazards, or private employment agencies.
  2. Filing complaints: handling complaints regarding wages disputes, mistreatment or abuse. We will direct the specific cases to the department of labor of the local government or the police.

Taipei City Foreign and Disabled Labor Office foreign labor counseling service hotline: 02-23381600. Extension for workers from the Philippines: 4208, 4127 Indonesia: 4213, 4214, 4215, 4216, 4219 Vietnam: 4223 Thailand: 4221.

Contacts: Foreign Labor Counseling Division and Foreign Labor Inspection Division
Telephone: 02-23381600