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What are the prerequisites for applying for a vocational training program?

1. Involuntary resignation under Employment Insurance Act:
According to Article 11 of the Employment Insurance Act, paragraphs 2 and 3 provide that involuntary resignation shall apply by one of the following:
(1) The insured’s insured unit faced with plant closing, relocation, shutting down, dissolution, or bankruptcy.
(2) In accordance with Articles 11, 13 (shall apply mutatis mutandis), 14, and 20 of the Labor Standards Act regarding resignation.
(3) Insured who left the job due to the end of the fixed contractual period, being unemployed over a month within one year after resignation, with the contractual period over six months shall be deemed as involuntary resignation.
2. In accordance with the Employment Services Act, Article 24, paragraph 1 defines specific persons being unemployed:
(1) Participated in a labor union of the insured being unemployed
(2) Elderly: refers to those who are 45 - 65 years old.
(3) Disabled: refers to those who are 15 - 65 years old, holding disability identifications, of which chronic psychiatric patients are required to obtain "Mental illness vocational training and employment service referrals form" issued by a medical rehabilitation institution.
(4) Aboriginal: refers to those who are 15 - 65 years old, with household residence registered as aboriginal.
(5) The unemployed and low-income families: refers to those from low income households and between 15 - 65 years of age under the Public Assistance Act.
(6) Victims of domestic violence: the Family Violence Prevention Act defines victims of domestic violence as those whose cases have been filed, or cases being referred to participate in employment training program, or seeking employment opportunities with proof of certificates/documents identified and issued by the local county and city governments at the Domestic Violence Prevention Center within the last two years.
(7) Unemployed rehabilitates: under Article 2 of the Rehabilitative Protection Act defines rehabilitates as those who are able to provide a proof of identification and probation by the rehabilitation institute or its branches or Rehabitilition Officer Office from Prosecutors Office of a district court.
(8) Long-term unemployed: the following requirements must be satisfied for those who have the ability and intention to work:
a. from the date of labor insurance surrendered, within three years’ time, with at least six months insured
b. successive periods of unemployment up to 1 year or longer
c. have made job registration within the previous month from a public employment service agency
(9) The sole breadwinner means:
a. solely raise schooling child/children, or lineal relatives with incapacity to work, or a spouse or former spouse of lineal relatives due to
(a) death of a spouse;
(b) disappearance of a spouse, has reported to the police, and is not found for more than six months;
(c) divorced;
(d) a victim of domestic violence, have filed a divorce complaint;
(e) a spouse in jail, being taken into custody or detention;
(f) a spouse being conscripted to compulsory or substitute military service;
(g) disability or suffering from major injuries or diseases of a spouse and not being able to work;
(h) other cases that are identified by the public employment service institutions or through municipal or county/city government or local government referrals required to provide assistance in special circumstances.
b. unmarried, has no cohabitation relationships with the applicant, and solely raised schooling child/children or lineal relatives with incapacity to work;
c. solely raise schooling child/children or lineal relatives with incapacity to work as the person who has a statutory obligation is dead, disappeared or due to marriage, economy, illness or legal factors, causing unable to fulfill such obligation;
(10) New immigrants: legal residence of a foreign spouse and mainland spouse (not applicable to ROC ID card holders);
(11) Other circumstances that are deemed as necessary by the Central Authorities.