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Can employers refuse to give wages to employees because of their incomplete job transfer when leaving the company?

In accordance with explanation of the letter Tai 88 Lao Zi Er Zhi #0034926 on 2 September 1999 by Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan: “1. Wages are the counter remunerations to the la-bor provided by workers and shall be paid to workers directly and in full amount. They are dif-ferent from breach of contract fine or the creditor’s right of compensation for the loss from con-tracts. Employers shall not detain the wages. 3. When leaving the job, either with or without agreement, laborers have to complete handing over. Nevertheless, provided no agreement is available between employers and employees, it is forbidden that employers detain the wages be-cause the laborers fail to complete handing over procedures. Provided employers suffer from the incomplete handing over of the laborers, they shall request for compensation for the loss in civil laws.” As a result, employers have to pay wages in full in accordance with the agreement between the both parties.