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Where can I obtain current and past issues of “TAIPEI”?

Free copies of the latest “TAIPEI” are available at MRT stations, Visitor Information Centers, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, Taipei Public Library and some selected pick-up points. For readers outside of Taipei City, Travel Service Centers by Tourism Bureau, MOTC also offers some copies.

As for past issues, you may come by the DOIT office on the 4th floor of Taipei City Hall to pick them up. Please call in advance to confirm there are copies left. (Tel: 2720-8889 ext. 2028)

You can also enjoy the convenience of quarterly delivery for only NT$120 per year. If you wish to subscribe to TAIPEI Quarterly, please deposit the required fee into the postal account of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government (16630048) at any office of Chunghwa Post. Please indicate your name, address and telephone number, and the length of your desired subscription term on the giro deposit slip.

Besides, all issues of “TAIPEI” can be found on Taipei Travel Net:  https://www.travel.taipei/en/pictorial/list