How can I dispose my old vehicle?
The vehicle disposal process is divided as writing-off its registration and scraping body of vehicle:
1. Writing-Off Vehicle Registration Information: Please take off your motorcycle registration plate. Take it and the vehicle owner’s ID card, stamp and Vehicle registration to Motor Vehicles Offices to transact the write-off procedure.
2. Tow and Scrap Vehicle Body: After finished write-off procedure in Motor Vehicles Offices, you may contact Environmental Protection Administration’s Recycling Free Hotline: 0800-085717, or find a legal recycle enterprise on EPA’s Recycle Website for recycling your vehicle.
3. To avoid derivative problems, such as ghost vehicle, pieced-up vehicles, revival of an unregistered vehicle, and reforming stolen vehicle, EPA provides scrap vehicle recycling bonus to encourage citizens to tow and dispose their old vehicles. When your vehicle is towed, the recycle enterprise would ask for a copy of vehicle registration document, and give you “scrape motor vehicle recycling control form” for applying the bonus. Please fill up the control form, sign and attach copies of the vehicle owner’s ID card and the scraping or writing-off certificate issued by Motor Vehicles Offices, then mail them by registered post to EPA’s scrap vehicle recycling bonus mailbox (P.O.B. Taipei Post 3257). You will receive the bonus after 30 working days. For motorcycles, it is NTD 300.