Why to encourage impeachment? What’s the standard of award for encouraging someone impeaches corruption cases?
Basically, corruption is a type of crime with relative high "criminal black number" , and the identified cases are only a small part of the corruption that has occurred. Because the corruption is a kind of highly covert crime, the impeachment through the public will increase the exposure rate of the crime and, therefore, is much helpful to investigate and frighten out of the corruption. According to "The Anti-Corruption Informant Rewards and Protection Regulation", the amount of rewards given to the informant shall be calculated based on the table as follows:The Judgment of the court The Amount of the Rewards Beyond 15 Years imprisonment, life sentence, death sentence NT 6.7 million dollars to NT 10 million dollars Between 10 years and 15 years imprisonment NT 4 million dollars to NT 6.7 million dollars Between 7 years and 10 years imprisonment NT 2.8 million dollars to NT 4 million Between 5 years and 7 years imprisonment NT 2 million dollars to NT 2.8 million dollars Between 3 years and 5 years imprisonment NT 1.4 million dollars to NT 2 million dollars Between 1 year and 3 years imprisonment NT 800,000 dollars to NT 1.4 million dollars Less than 1 year of imprisonment, detention in jail, fine NT 300,000 dollars to NT 800,000 dollars