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What should I do if I can’t update my TaipeiPASS app?

TaipeiPASS can be downloaded/updated via either Google Play or App Store. If you experience:

1.Upon activation of TaipeiPASS, it displays a message indicating that there’s a newer version of the app. However, when you try to update the app, you don’t see any “update” button:

  • Please visit either Google Play or App Store and search for TaipeiPASS. When the “update” button appears, click on it to install the latest version of the app.
  • If you still don’t see the “update” button, it is very likely that the app software’s update file is still being processed by the respective platform. The time required for the update to complete may vary for different users. You should try updating again at a later time if the speed is too slow.

2.Upon activation of TaipeiPASS, it will display a message reminding you to update the app. However, after you complete the update and return to TaipeiPASS, the app still wants you to install the update:
Visit either Google Play or App Store to search for the latest version of the app. You can then click on the update button to renew the app at this time.