I misplaced my traffic ticket. How do I pay the fine?
1. You can make the payment on the ATM via auto inquiry and payment transfer (Chinatrust Commercial Bank).
2. You can go to Taipei Fubon Bank in person and provide your ID number or vehicle number to inquire the amount of the fine and pay to close the case immediately.
3. You can pay online using a bank account or with a credit card. Visit the Electronic Motor Vehicle and Driver Information System at https://www.mvdis.gov.tw/.(Since the English Version of Electronic Motor Vehicle and Driver Information System doesn't provide payment function, link to Chinese Version.)
4. You can pay via voice transfer service using a bank account or with a credit card. Dial 412-1366 or 41-1366 (area code not required) and press 168# for user code.
5. You can dial (02) 2365-8270 ext. 9 (Taipei City Traffic Adjudication Office) to acquire the serial number of the your ticket and the amount of fine. You may then buy a postal remittance check and send it to us by certified mail. Be sure to include your vehicle number, ticket number, ID number, and telephone number.
6. You can go to the TAO in person and provide your vehicle number and the ID number of the driver involved in the violation.
7. You can print the traffic ticket from the multimedia kiosk at a 7-11, Hi-Life, OK,or the FamilyMart convenience store, then pay at the counter.