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What is the City Minibus? How are the fares charged?

The City Minibus is a shuttle transport service for short-distance transportation between residential communities and mass transit systems (the MRT and bus stops). It’s inaugurated as a “last-mile” shuttle service to meet citizens’ demand for short-distance trips, such as bus transfer, going to schools, and shopping. Fares are charged according to the Taipei Joint Bus Systems. In order to encourage the usage of bus transfer, Public Transportation Office has established a bus transfer pilot project since December 21, 2011. When passengers who using EasyCard transfer from bus to City Minibus, City Minibus to City Minibus or City Minibus to bus within one hour, they will receive a discount on the bus fare depending on the types of tickets they are using, Adult EasyCard NT$ 8 discount, Student EasyCard NT$ 6 discount, Concessionaire EasyCard NT$ 4 discount.