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How is safety ensured at MRT construction sites?

The complexity of MRT engineering construction is incomparable to non-construction projects; therefore, safety management of construction sites during construction periods and the formulation of accident prevention countermeasures and means of implementing them are dependent on the establishment and implementation of regular patrol and self-inspection systems. Consequently, DORTS supervises them in coordination with department units, district project offices, and site offices to comprehensively promote complete safety and sanitation management of construction manufacturers in order to effectively reduce the occurrence of occupational accidents.


The MRT construction site safety management system begins with construction companies in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the relevant provisions of the contract and are implemented through daily automatic inspections and self-management. Then the district project offices, site offices, and DORTS carry out audits in accordance with the required frequency of inspections as set forth in Taipei City Government organizations’ relevant construction public safety and health regulations. They then follow up the improvement conditions for the faults which are found in the inspections, such as severe lack of safety in construction sites, and they have the authority to impose punitive damages in accordance with contract stipulations.


In addition, in order to increase the knowledge and awareness of safety among on-site construction and supervision personnel, DORTS requires construction companies to fully comply with the regulations set forth in the Regulations for Labor Safety and Health Education and Training, and to carry out case advocacy in the regular safety and health meetings and require manufacturers to undergo training in order to avoid the incidence of similar accidents in the future.