What are the principles for station planning on the Taipei MRT? (Planning)
Stations range in complexity from simple at-grade suburban stations to major urban intermodal transfer stations. The location of each station is determined by an interactive process that is influenced by many factors, including ridership forecasts, station spacing, site topography, alignment, utilities, land acquisition, and environmental considerations. The principles for determining final locations of MRT stations are: 1. Areas that are already well developed or those with development potential, as well as those possessing good auxiliary integrated transit system connections are prioritized. 2. While giving priority to transportation function, MRT line alignments should make use of land already used for public facilities and refrain from the demolition of any existing properties. 3. Given that MRT stations should be adjacent to major public facilities, in order to maintain an average speed of 34 kph, with 80 kph as the maximum speed, the ideal distance between stations is over 800 meters. In downtown areas, the distance generally ranges from 800 to 1,000 meters; in the suburbs, the range is from 1,000 to 2,000 meters. To facilitate access to the MRT, it's preferable that the distance between stations not exceed 2,400 meters.