How do I apply for a "Taipei City Lifelong Learning Certificate" or a "Taipei City Lifelong Learning Model Certificate"?
Lifelong learning courses fall into one of three categories -- civic life, family life and occupational training courses. After you have taken 150 hours of certified courses with 80 hours of courses falling into a particular category, you can apply for a lifelong learning certificate for that category. All applicants must fill out "Taipei City Lifelong Learning Certificate Application Form" (included in the Passport) and apply to the Reference Services Section or one of the branches within the Library system.
Persons having been awarded lifelong learning certificates for all three categories or four lifelong learning certificates are eligible to apply for a Lifelong Learning Model Certificate. Applicants must fill out a "Taipei City Lifelong Learning Model Certificate Application Form" (included in the Passport) and submit it to the Reference Services Section or one of branches within the Library system.