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2019 Nangang District Auxiliary Police Division Preparedness Basic Training

* The Taipei City Nangang District Auxiliary Police Division’s quadrennial preparedness basic training took place at the 1F hall in Nangang Precinct on June 11. During the ceremony, Commander Chu and Deputy Chief Wu presented outstanding auxiliary police with awards and letters of appointment.

The Nangang District Auxiliary Police Division was established 51 years ago with the goal of maintaining safety during important holidays, Wanan Air Raid Drill, crime prevention promotion, disaster rescue, and community service, among others. The selfless auxiliary police can be seen contributing to ensure the safety of the people during these occasions, in turn unleashing the spirit of “Police Resources are Limited - People’s Power is Boundless” to constantly achieve remarkable feats.

The primary objective of preparedness training is to let the auxiliary police understand the status of national defense in the country and the key points of their duties; enhance their policing/crime prevention techniques and safety on the job, and promote relevant regulations. On the practical side, technical instructors from Nangang Precinct demonstrated basic self-protection techniques, where field operations will be illustrated to reinforce the safety of the auxiliary police, and it is hoped that the training will enhance the knowledge and competence of each trainee.

Lecturer Wu Pao-fen was invited to present a speech entitled "Volcanic Eruption – High Blood Pressure," while Assistant Technician Kao Jung-fu from Nangang District Health Center delivered a lecture on Conventional CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver. In addition, Dr. Yang Wen-yao carried out oral cancer screenings for the auxiliary police to safeguard their health. With the philosophy of "Remembering the Past – Looking Ahead to the Future" as well as guidance and encouragement from various parties, the auxiliary police will work in unison to serve the public by upholding the principle of keeping peace and order, thereby creating a safe living environment for the citizens.