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Ten Days of Lantern Festival Attracts over 6 Million Visitors

Fire and Water spectacle at Taipei Lantern FestivalThe 2022 Taipei Lantern Festival came to a successful conclusion on February 20. Due to the pandemic, this year’s event adopted a hybrid approach combining virtual and on-site activities.
The lantern festival website alone attracted over 1 million netizens, while the physical lantern displays at the venues brought 1.7 million people to Shilin district over the 10-day period. Furthermore, live streaming of the various lantern festival shows attracted 3.5 million viewers. Therefore, roughly 6 million people took part in this year’s lantern festival event, making the event a sounding success.
As for the physical showcase, shops and business reported the return of large crowds to the neighborhood since the start of the event on February 11. The turnout both at the exhibitions and online showcase allowed more people to learn about the charm of Shilin again.
On the last day of the 2022 Taipei Lantern Festival, spectators experienced impressive spectacles combining visual and audio experiences, including the space ship main lantern Taipei 40 and the riverside fire-and-water show, as well as main stage performances by Jhen Yue Tang, Wingle, AKB48 Team Taipei, and Mixer.
Commissioner of Information and Tourism Liu Yi-ting remarked that the annual festival is a landmark activity for Taipei at the start of the New Year. Various pandemic prevention measures were implemented to ensure the safety of event-goers. A collaboration with head curator Akibo and his team proved to be a success, evident from the long lines at Shilin Night Market and the smiles on the shop owners’ faces.
To prolong the atmosphere of the festivity, the lantern decorations will continue to be displayed through February 28 at areas such as Shilin Night Market, Jihe Road, Cixian Temple, and other nearby areas.