Living in the beautiful city of Taipei, Taipei-ers show an interest in maintaining the neatness of the city. Initiated by the Department of Information and Tourism (TPEDOIT) on January 26, the “Clutter-free Sky” cable removal project showed a promising start in January.
Shen Yong-hua, the chief of Mass Media Affairs Division at TPEDOIT, stated that a total of 3,000 kg (20,000 meters) worth of cable wires across 19 boroughs were removed by cable TV operators in the month. The wirings were then handled in accordance with the Waste Disposal Act.
The chief remarked that TPEDOIT has requested 9 cable TV operators to commence cable cleanup process since 2006. The companies assigned cable workers to inspect cable poles along city roads and rework the cluttered cables across the city. The department also performs spot-checks to ensure that the process is carried out. In cases where low dangled wires pose possible safety concerns, cable workers will clean up the cable in question – even if the cables were not owned by the cable company.
Shen noted that TPEDOIT often receive complaints about dangling wires from residents through the 1999 Citizen Hotline. The case was then resolved within 24 hours. However, only 20% of the cases reported were caused by wires owned by cable TV businesses; the rest were wires owned by Tai-power, Taiwan Fixed Network, CCTV system, and private-owned.
TPEDOIT requested all related agencies to complete cable wire removal along major roads within a year. The cable removal project targets cable wires located at 15 meters or more above the ground and seeks to redeploy all wirings beneath the surface. The Public Works Department will soon announce cable self-governance regulations to ensure a “Clutter-free Sky”.