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Mayor: Government, NGOs Must Join Forces for Long-Term Care 2.0

Mayor: Government, NGOs Must Join Forces for Long-Term Care 2.0On January 21, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je attended a year-end dinner for senior citizens hosted by service organization Rotary International where he thanked its District 3523 for its long-standing support to the elderly residents of Taipei. He stressed that the success of the Long-Term Care 2.0 plan hinges on close collaboration between the government and civil society.
Ko noted that residents 65 years and older already make up 17% of the city’s population, and this number is expected to reach 20% within three years’ time. In fact, Taiwan as a whole is by now a super-aging society with sub-replacement fertility, which poses enormous challenges. To take care of the growing elderly population, many Long-Term Care 2.0 initiatives are underway, but in the mayor’s view, effective implementation of these policies requires collaboration between the government and civil society, because the government simply cannot cover everything. Ko has said that Long-Term Care 2.0 requires a comprehensive program, especially for home-based healthcare as many elderly citizens cannot go out to see a doctor.
During his dinner with the senior citizens, the mayor also belted out a passionate rendition of World’s No. 1, the theme song of the eponymous TV show that visits Taiwanese working and living around the world. Ko toasted the happiness and health of the silver-haired dinner guests during the new year ahead.
Ko expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Rotary International District 3523 for its long-term commitment in caring for disadvantaged and elderly people living in Taipei. He added that, as Long-Term Care 2.0 takes shape, the city of Taipei will need Rotary’s assistance to build an elderly-friendly infrastructure, and expressed his hope and trust that the goodwill Rotary showed today will continue into the future.