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DOH: Inventory of Government-funded Flu Vaccine Drops Below 10,000

A shot being administered to a childWith temperatures dropping drastically and the start of flu season, the Department of Health (DOH) reported that over 720,000 doses of flu shot have been used as of December 13. As a result, the city government’s inventory has been reduced to under 10,000 shots.


DOH pointed out that it is only a matter of time before supplies run out. It calls upon individuals eligible for government-funded flu shots to act fast while vaccines are still available. Those interested should first go online and check vaccine availability via the central government’s Anti-flu website (antiflu.cdc.gov.tw). They should call the clinic or hospital to doublecheck before visiting in person.


In the past, the peak of flu season typically falls between New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year. As of December 13, DOH received reports on two cases of severe complicated influenza and 1 related death reported in Taipei City (14 cases and 3 related deaths nationwide). 


According to the agency, the city government purchased a total of 730,180 flu vaccines in 2022. Roughly 720,000 shots have been administered, depleting nearly 98.6% of the inventory. It reminds people at high risk from flu (senior citizens above 65, patients with chronic diseases, and children) to take the vaccine. Since it takes roughly two weeks for protection to take effect, the sooner they receive the shots the better.


For children who have contracted COVID-19, DOH noted that they can take the flu shot after completing the quarantine period, showing no symptoms, and passing physician’s assessment. Children older than six months should also get vaccinated to minimize the chance of developing respiratory issues and flu-related complication. 


For more information, please call the Flu Prevention Hotline (02-2375-3782) or the 1999 Citizens’ Hotline. Details are also available on the Chinese website of DOH (Link).