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Mayor Presses for Implementation of Taipei Vision 2050

Mayor Ko Wen-je lays out a clear picture for the long-term vision of Taipei in a press conference on January 6, announcing that the city government will establish a platform for data collection and interagency review for the formulation of Taipei Vision 2050.
In response to criticism of the plan for being unrealistic, Ko defended the policy by noting that the project is in line with the global trend to devise a comprehensive long-term plan for city development as seen in metropolises like Tokyo, Seoul, London, and Amsterdam.
Citing the East District Gateway and Biotech Park projects which require not only planning by Taipei but the involvement of New Taipei and Keelung City, Ko stressed that any administrative envisioning of where Taipei will be heading should take into account the factors of time and space as well as the notion of Capital as a Living Circle.
The mayor added that the last urban planning project for Taipei was released in 1930, therefore a new one is urgently needed. Department of Urban Development will be spearheading the Taipei Vision 2015 project, seeking to draw resources and experience from both the public and the private sector to ensure a sound plan will be drafted.