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APO Launches Public Service Dog Program to Boost Adoption Rates

To increase animal adoption rates, Taipei City Animal Protection Office (APO) announced the “Hello Service--Working Dogs” program. The effort seeks to provide sheltered canines with possibilities beyond household adoption.
According to APO, the program has seen the participation of FAEA, Taiwan Dr. Dog, Taiwan Animal and Plant Health Inspection Association, and Life Conservationist Association. These NGOs will work with APO to offer up to 6 months training for dogs at the institution that are deemed suitable to perform public services, depending on each dog’s disposition and traits.
For instance, highly alert dogs are perfect choices for deployment with the Coast Guard Administration. The puppies will serve for 4 to 6 years, during which they will remain available for adoption by the general public.
Detection dogs, on the other hand, must possess attributes such as immense curiosity, healthy appetite for food, playfulness, fearlessness, and willingness to approach people. Trained sniffer dogs will patrol airports, harbors, and parcel management centers and be on the lookout for suspicious objects.
Sheltered canines that are mild-tempered and have the potential to befriend humans will be selected as therapy dogs. They will accompany staff on visits to households, nursing homes, hospice facilities, and other social welfare institutions to bring companionship and comfort to patients and those with needs.
APO encourages the general public to apply for the working dog service. Interested individuals can visit the Taipei Animal Shelter to select suitable candidates and wait for their arrival after they have received adequate training.