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City Unveils West District Gateway Project

Accompanied by Urban Development Commissioner Lin Jou-min, Public Works Commissioner Pong Cheng-sheng, and Transportation Commissioner Chung Hui-yu, Deputy Mayor Lin Chin-rong presided over a press conference announcing the city government’s plan to overhaul the area around the North Gate at the Beimen Post Office on January 15.
With Taipei Railway Station and C1D1 Joint-development Building serving as the core of the plan, the West District Gateway Project will comprise the entire area bordered by Huanhe North Road to the west, Zhongshan North Road to the East, Civic Boulevard to the north, and Zhongxiao West Road to the south.
The deputy mayor described the project in four aspects: the first aspect involved land use readjustment spanning eight years; the second aspect is the devising of redevelopment programs originating from a number of key foundations such as Taipei Railway Station, C1, D1, E1, and E2; the third aspect comprises the remodeling of the surrounding environment based on ‘4D’ elements (3-dimensional space plus presentation of historical imageries) such as culture and industry elements; and a fourth aspect covering plans on traffic flow movement, bus routes, and pedestrian space.
Lin pointed out that major constructions going around the train station area over the past three decades have made the gateway of the city unapproachable. In addition, the city government also believes in the importance of highlighting the historical heritage of Taipei City located in the area, including sites and facilities dating back to Qing Dynasty, Japanese Colonial Era, and post-World War II period.
He reiterated the four major objectives under the gateway project, including 1) dismantling of Zhongxiao Bridge, accompanied by public transportation and traffic lane readjustments to free up space around the North Gate; 2) overhauling the plaza in front of Taipei Railway Station to create a presentable image of the nation to visitors following the opening of the Airport MRT and A1 Bus Station; 3) Planning of land use and adjustment for areas covered by the gateway project, and 4) Incorporating elements of culture and industry potentials in the general space planning.
The Public Works Department announced that based on the assessment provided by the Department of Transportation, the dismantling of Zhongxiao Bridge will take place during the Chinese New Year holiday in 2016.
The agency explained that the overpass was originally designed to alleviate traffic pressure at Zhongxiao West Road’s railroad crossing in the early days. With the relocation of the railway below surface, the only function left for the bridge was to serve through traffic to and from of New Taipei City. The inauguration of various MRT lines in recent years and the change of commuting behaviors have minimalized the importance of Zhongxiao Bridge. Furthermore, the removal of the overpass will increase the visibility of local historical sites and allow for the renovation of surrounding landscape.