HEO Sets up New LINE Channel Option with Flood-related Updates
The Department of Information and Tourism (TPEDOIT) announced that in light of the approach of flood season (which usually lasts between May 1 and November 30) and the high chances of sudden torrential rainfalls, the official LINE account of the Hydraulic Engineering Office (@taipeiheo) will provide an additional “Flood Info Query Service” during this period to provide citizens with real-time, disaster-related warnings and notifications. The agency pointed out that friends of the @taipei account on LINE will also receive flood prevention-related info before the start of flood season. Examples of such updates include evacuation points for people living in low elevation area, instructions on cleaning ditches, installation guide for home flood gates, and sand bag preparation procedure. It will also disseminate info on closing time of evacuation gates, implementation of yellow/red line parking, and work/class cancellation during heavy rainfall or impending arrival of typhoons. To receive notifications, simply open the LINE chat channel with Taipei City Government’s account and tap on “Subscribe to City Administration Updates” from the menu to access “Flood Prevention Info.” The range of services include water level updates, disaster reports, flood warnings, and yellow/red line parking. Users can also customize notification based on their respective administrative districts. TPEDOIT reminds the public that in addition to the aforementioned LINE accounts, the public can also access flood prevention information through the Taipei City Disaster Prevention Info website (https://eoc.gov.taipei/) or via downloading and installing of the Taipei Mobile Disaster Prevention app.Have you ever tried to find the answers to the following questions before the approach of a typhoon: “When will the evacuation gate close?” “Are the yellow and red lines open to parking?” “Where can I pick up free sandbags?” “Is work/school cancelled tomorrow?”