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Rebuilding ‘Sea Sand’ Housing Units in Dalong Community

Mayor Ko Wen-je attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the rebuilding of Dalong Community and marketplace on May 12.
During his address, the mayor noted that the reconstruction project is Taipei City Government’s first endeavor to overhaul buildings constructed using materials contaminated with sea sand. He hopes that work can proceed smoothly followed by a good beginning.
The mayor said that the project is a very important issue to him. He instructed city staff to include construction progress report in the monthly mayor’s briefing session to ensure minimal delays on project schedule.
According to Ko, the priority of the project is given to the needs of community residents and those of the market. Consideration for space dedicated to social welfare functions comes next. The city government will take care of the remaining space after all issues have been addressed to avoid encroaching upon the rights of residents and the market.
Yang Chi-jui, the deputy chairperson of the Dalong Reconstruction Committee, thanked the city government for taking a stance on the sea sand housing issue, as well as city councilors of Datong district for their support.