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City Updates Policy on Closing of Flood Gates during Typhoon

Taipei's riverside greensTaipei City Government announced an update to evacuation orders for areas outside the levees during typhoon and torrential rain. According to the revised policy, car owners who park their vehicles at riverside parking lots will have to remove them within four hours after the order has been issued.

For car owners who fail to remove their vehicles before the deadline, the city government will tow away the car and fine the vehicle owner.

To remain up-to-date with weather information and possible notices, the Parking Management and Development Office (PMO) encourages owners to check out the agency’s website. They can also sign up for notice dispatch service via either PMO’s Chinese website (https://parkingfee.pma.gov.taipei/Notice); the QR code posted at signs at the parking facilities, or the QR code printed on their parking slips.

The notice service offers updates on subjects such as vehicle evacuation orders for riverside parking lots, suspension/reinstatement of yellow/red line parking during typhoons, and latest status on closing/opening of flood gates.

Furthermore, the notices dispatched will be interactive SMS. Recipients will be asked to click on the attached link in the message. Those who fail to click on the link within 15 minutes will receive an additional notice.

The SMS will be dispatched from one of the following dedicated accounts of Taipei City Government: +886911511999, +886974251999, +886961591999 and +886906511999. For any questions about the SMS, please call PMO during office hours (TEL: 02-27269600).

PMO reminds drivers that when the city government issues evacuation orders during severe storm or typhoon, they will need to leave the riverside parking lots as soon as possible. The agency will also strengthen promotion of the updated evacuation policy via running message displays at the facilities, banners, sign posts, and CMS system.