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New Announcement by Taipei City Government—Smoking is prohibited on the “Surrounding Sidewalks of 臺北市私立貝兒托嬰中心(No. 158, Jili St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City)” effective October 1, 2023

In order to protect citizens’ rights and interests in health and to establish a smoke-free outdoor environment, we hereby announce that smoking is prohibited on the “surrounding Sidewalks of 臺北市私立貝兒托嬰中心(No.158, Jili St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City)” effective October 1, 2023 in accordance with paragraph 1 (4) of article 19 of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act. Any individuals who are found violating the non-smoking rule will be subject to a fine ranging from NTD 2,000 to 10,000, according to paragraph 2 of article 40 of the same Act.