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City Flag Presentation to Athletes Attending the 2016 National Disabled Games

Deputy Mayor Chen Chin-jun presided over the city flag presentation ceremony to the team members of Taipei’s team on May 25. The athletes will be taking part in the upcoming 2016 National Disabled Games.
Taipei’s team showed outstanding performances during the 2014 National Disabled Games, claiming first place in the overall ranking and bringing home 217 gold medals, 137 silver medals, and 93 bronze medals. The team members participated in 14 out of the 15 categories during the games.
The 2016 National Disabled Games will be held in Miaoli County between May 26 and 29. With competitions in 3 categories taking place early on May 14, Taipei is currently in the lead in terms of overall results – 105 gold medals, 56 silver medals, and 30 bronze medals.
To provide Taipei’s athletes with the best possible services, a support team comprising administrative staff, special education teachers, sign language interpreters, medical personnel, and occupational therapists will accompany the team to Miaoli and throughout the games period.
The Deputy Mayor noted that the city government has placed an important emphasis on sports for disabled people. In coordination with the National Disabled Games, the city government organizes events such as trial games to select athletes for the city team and leisure sports meet for disable citizens on alternate years. It is also working with the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education to implement the “Sports I Taiwan” project to promote sports among the disabled.