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TPL Launches Ebook Taipei Platform

Taipei Public Library (TPL) has introduced the Ebook Taipei platform to provide readers access to the most abundant Chinese language e-book archive in the nation!

Those logging onto the platform can enjoy access to 46,131 volumes of Chinese e-book publications, as well as the latest issues among 184 e-magazine publications spanning the subjects of language, travel, illustration, finance, and hobbies. With the e-book platform, readers will no longer need to wait for long queues to borrow books from the library!

According to TPL, the popularity of reading ebooks has been growing in recent years. In an age of reading on mobile devices, the institution has greatly boosted its e-book and e-magazine contents this year. Through the introduction of the Ebook Taipei platform, TPL hopes to bring the reading of digital publication closer to people’s day-to-day living.

Ebook Taipei supports mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Those with TPL library card can borrow books via the platform anywhere anytime, making it an ideal companion for commuting and travel. Each reader receives 6 points per month to allocate on books they want to read.

To encourage readers to access the platform, TPL is holding a raffle event starting May 23. Please visit the Facebook fan page of TPL (www.facebook.com/taipeilibrary/)(Chinese) for more information.

Ebook Taipei: http://tpml.ebook.hyread.com.tw

Reminder: Tablet and smart phone users can download the free HyRead Library APP to access the service.