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Turning Unused Plot into Green Garden: The Case of Xingye Borough

After entering Xingye Borough, one will not have a hard time in noticing the presence of green spaces in the area. These are the results made possible through the efforts of Borough Chief Hung Chang-jung of Wenshen district’s Xingye Borough.

One of the examples of Hung’s successful project is the empty plot located on Alley 31 along Xinglong Second Road Lane 220. The property was used for storage purposes by the Department of Finance. Through negotiations by the borough chief, a series of green efforts were carried out during the period of Taipei International Flora Expo in 2010. Today, the plot has been transformed from a neglected area into a place of trees and greens.

Parks and Street Lights Office (PSLO) Director Huang Li-yuan noted that the ‘green-ification’ of unused plots helps to improve the landscape of the city, as well as preventing possible environmental hygiene and safety problems from occurring. The overhaul of the area’s landscape helps to bring community closer together, as well as making the surrounding environment more visually appeasing by replacing concrete and cement with wooden planks and patches of green.

Chief Chang Hsiu-chu of PSLO Nangang Park Management Division pointed out that the agency is more than happy to provide professional advice on issues such as gardening and plant care to help communities maintain quality green spaces.

Borough Chief Hung noted that the plot of land used to be deserted and surrounded by steel fences. Some people even dump their garbage at the area, requiring cleaning and pesticide administration on a frequent basis. Following landscape overhaul, it has become more pleasing to the eyes of residents and shop owners in the vicinity.