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Winners of Taipei City Government Small E-service Design Competition Announced

Taipei City Government (hereinafter referred to as “TCG”) organized a competition to promote the concept of “comprehensive e-service.” 45 e-service cases from departments of the TCG or their affiliations were received. The preliminary review (by examining the application document) selected eight cases to enter the final competition, which was held on November 2, 2018. The selected cases were presented at the final competition for the review committee to decide three winning cases. Mayor Ko presented the awards to the winners today (November 27, 2018) at the weekly meeting with the department heads. He encourages all agencies to learn from the winning cases to design and provide user-centered e-services.     
The gold award goes to the “E-application for Public Kindergartens” by the Department of Education. It allows parents to complete applications online, which saves manpower and reduces parents’ time waiting in line. The second place is “E-Services for Police Patrol” by the Taipei City Police Department, which reduces paper use of patrol reporting and digitizes reporting data for easy and safe preservation. The third place is “E-inquiry for Compulsory Military Draft Process” by the Department of Compulsory Military Service. It enables people to make inquiries online and significantly save people’s time.
Mayor Ko emphasized the importance of E-policy. “The policy is like the Meiji Restoration within Taipei City Government. It is also the attitude for modern administration,” said Mayor Ko. He urged all departments to be enthusiastic for the e-policy implementation and put themselves in users’ shoes. The policy’s success relies on the devotion of every department. One single act does not change anything, but small efforts of all departments will add up to big differences. “When A is greater than 1, A to the power of N approaches infinity.” He encouraged city staff to work together for the goal.