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The Release of the Basic Design of the Taipei City Music Center and Library (Draft). We welcome comments and suggestions.

The Taipei City Music Center and Library will be a new cultural landmark in Taipei City, the Hydraulic Engineering Office expressed. The basic design of the music center is now on its way. The project design manufacturer has already submitted the draft. The Hydraulic Engineering Office would like to release the related information online. We welcome comments and suggestions. (The dream music center. We welcome your comments and suggestions.) 


The Hydraulic Engineering Office stated that “The New Construction Project of Taipei Music Center and Library” will be kept transparent in each stage of the progress. On the one hand, this allows different sectors to understand the progress of this major urban construction project continuously. On the other, this enables the collection of comments and suggestions from different sectors to make the overall design complete. For example, the achievements of the basic design proposed earlier have been released on the official website – Taipei City Music Center and Library (Taipei Music Library in short) for people’s references. In addition, you can also call the 1999 Citizen Hotline of Taipei City (for people out of town, please dial 02-27208889) extension 2695 for the River Engineering Section for more information. 


The design of the Taipei Music Center and Library is undertaken by Kris Yao Artech. The design team has invited Albert Xu, an international renowned acoustic designer that has collaborated with Pulitzer Prize winners such as Ieoh Ming Pei, Frank Owen Gehry, etc. to design the acoustics of the concert hall. The construction of this cultural museum complex with the functions of a music center and library will become a new landmark in Taipei City. 


The River Engineering Section, Hydraulic Engineering Office also explained the features of this project. The entire base of the Music Center and Library is not situated on the street or in a square. Instead, it is located in an alley at the rear of Xinyi Road. This gives an opportunity to create a unique cultural venue to display the cultural connotations that are close to the people’s everyday life. The design of the architecture will leave the space of the streets and alleys on the ground level, allowing the base to merge into the surrounding environment of everyday life. It also continues the vision of street blocks nearby, providing citizens with a liberal space for roaming, taking a walk, rendezvousing or pondering. 


In the future, there will be the first and newest cultural and educational landmark in Daan District – Taipei Music Center and Library, in which there will be a professional concert hall with 1500 seats. In addition, the new smart and computerized main library of Taipei City will be located here as well. The architecture also regards the environmental and energy saving issues as major concerns by acquiring the

EEWH (green architecture badge). With overall planning and creative architectural design, it will provide a facility for multifunctional cultural activities in Taipei City.