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Low Temperature Alert – “3 High” Patients Beware of Cardiovascular Diseases

Amongst the 2017 top ten causes of death in Taipei City are the four diseases related to the “3 Highs” (High blood lipid, blood glucose and blood pressure): cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension. The combined total number of deaths from these four diseases even outranked cancer, the no.1 cause of death. Due to the recent climate changes, it is important for patients with “3 high conditions” to take extra caution and maintain good health management, such as measure blood pressure regularly, control fat and salt intakes, stop smoking, drink less alcohol, keep a good watch on their weight and exercise moderately. Citizens should also keep watch of their waist circumference – no more than 35 inches (90cm) for males, and no more than 31 inches (80cm) for females. Seniors and cardiovascular patients are advised to add layers of clothing as necessary, especially during early morning hours (5 to 6am) and evening (8 to 9pm) as temperatures during these two periods are generally lower, and the shortened day length also can cause blood vessel contraction and changes in blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease patients, seniors and obese individuals are advised to keep warm to prevent heightened blood pressure and rapid onset of strokes and heart attacks.