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Taipei Youth Commission Invites Young People to Participate in Public Affairs

In order to realize Mayor Ko’s ideal of “open government and public participation,” Taipei Youth Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”) is recruiting more young members of diverse backgrounds. Through the expansion of youth participation and the integration of social resources, it seeks to draw a blueprint for Taipei youth development. Young people interested in public affairs or having related knowledge are welcome to submit their application for the position. The application is accepted online until 8:00 AM on July 25, 2018. 
The Commission consists of 15-21 members, including Chairperson -- Taipei City mayor, two vice-chairpersons, 3-5 department heads from Taipei City Government, 1-3 experts or scholars and 8-10 young people of different backgrounds from the Taipei City Government or the outside. The young members shall be under 45 years old and at least 3 of the 8-10 members must be high school or college students. All members serve one-year term and can extend for one additional term upon expiration. If a member steps down during the term, the vacancy can be filled by appointing a new member and the term expiration remains the same as the original. The commission meeting is held every three months. Working groups of the Commission can call group meetings any time as needed.   
The youth commission members will help Taipei City Government on projects and polices related to young people, such as building youth-friendly education and job environment, integrating public and private funds to push for better youth housing, formulating policies on family, maternity and paternity, integrating youth travel and volunteer policies, increasing the feasibility and progressiveness of youth policies, etc.   
Young citizens are the key to Taipei’s progress. The Commission brings government staff, youth leaders and social elites together. By exchanging opinions and ideas, they explore young people’s need and develop youth development policies. The Commission serves as a platform for young commission members to communicate with the government. Not only does it make policies more comprehensive, but it also invigorates policy making and execution and helps reach the goal of “youngerizing” municipal governance. Taipei City Government welcomes and encourages all young citizens to submit the application to become a member of the Commission. 
Note: The website to submit the application: https://goo.gl/NAVMog (contents in Chinese).