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Mayor Attends Fashion Startup Matchmaking Seminar

On June 30, Mayor Ko Wen-je attended a matchmaking session for startups in the fashion industry at Fashion Taipei. The event is organized by the Department of Economic Development.
During his address, Ko recalled a conversation with Lin Hsin-i, Senior Advisor to the President, regarding how ICT industry takes up 40-percent of the total output of Taiwan’s economy. He asked Lin whether to strengthen this advantage or focus on other areas, but the senior advisor answered that the overwhelming share is not because Taiwan’s ICT is strong; the reason is that other fields are weak compared to ICT, and it is risky to put all eggs in one basket.
Noting his previous trip to Silicon Valley, the mayor pointed out that given its economic prowess, the US is able to withstand failures – even for projects reaching one trillion NTD in investment. However, one success can easily make up for multiple failed projects. Unfortunately, Taiwan does not have such prowess, so it has to shift its strategy towards equal development of all industries.
Adding that the Department of Economic Development has prepared 21 ‘bases’ to house innovative startup from different fields, Ko noted that while the administration have plans for such complexes, it does not determine what the exact theme will be. Recalling that he presided over the opening of the industrial cluster the day before yesterday and the matchmaking session today, the mayor explained that the private sector knows the market and ecosystem better than the government. Therefore, he believes that the role of the government is to serve as a platform and to facilitate matchmaking of ideas and funds. The role of the innovation base is to offer affordable venues for startups and provide professional assistance.
According to Ko, the event invited 11 groups of fashion startup to meet with potential investors. By providing young people with supports in logistics and opportunities, they will have the courage to head out and explore unchartered terrains.

Mayor Attends Fashion Startup Matchmaking Seminar