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Fall Season Pet-keeping Classes Kick-off in September

The fall season “Companion Animal Behavior Education and Care-giving” classes organized by Taipei City Cats and Dogs School in 2016 will take place starting September.
A total of 11 sessions will be held, inviting vets and experts including veterinary surgeon Hsu Chan-cheng of National Veterinary Hospital, cat behavior specialist and veterinary surgeon Shane Lin, and training officers to serve as instructors for the classes.
Animal Protection Office pointed out that the classes offer knowledge on issues such as how to prevent the barking of pet dogs from affecting neighbors – there were even cases where police were called.
Students will also learn about how to recognize the body language of dogs to better comprehend their feelings. Lessons on cats will also teach owners about the behaviors of these felines, allowing them to know more about how to accompany their furry friends.
Additional materials will cover pet-related caregiving, common diseases, emergency care, and meal management.
The classes will be held at 11 community colleges. Those interested in signing up for the classes can contact the respective community colleges for more information.