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Quality "Heartfelt Life" for the Elderly, Join Hands to "Stop, Watch, & Listen"

As people get older, they face increasingly more adaptations and transformations. According to the 2016 Elderly Suicide Attempt Analysis of the Taipei City Government suicide prevention center, 61.3% of the elderly have suffered emotional distresses because two or more long-term difficulties in life have not been resolved, and the distresses often turns into negative thoughts. "Stop, watch, & listen" to the psychological health issues of the elderly for early detection and assistance:
Stop—Accompany and Care
The rapid pace of the metropolitan area often resolves problems with "Quick fixes." Family members or companions tend to overlook the emotional comfort of the elderly and miss opportunities to listen to their emotional thoughts. So adequately stop the pace, quiet the heart, and listen to the needs of the elderly. This may not resolve the problem but will let the elderly know that we are there with them, which would reduce the loneliness of the elderly and reduce the accumulation of negative emotions.

Watch—Seek Professional Help
Psychological health is as important as physical health! The elderly can easily face adult network dissociation due to the deaths of relatives and friends, reduction of income after retirement, and the gradual decline of their bodily functions. Their decline in social status may lead to the feeling of uselessness or even ailments, which may turn to negative emotions or depression. Psychological diseases are often manifested in the form of physical symptoms. So when the elderly appear weak or uncomfortable, seek professional medical treatment as soon as possible.

Listen—Pay a Little Attention
Pay more attention to signs such as difficulty falling asleep; sleep interruptions, early awakening and loss of appetite, loss of interest in things, or deviation from the original routine leisure activities for the elderly. At this time, you should provide more listening and companionship to reduce their "Emptiness" caused by the physical and social factors.