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Tests Show Water from City’s Public Water Fountains is Safe to Drink

Tests Show Water from City’s Public Water Fountains is Safe to DrinkTo ensure safe access to drinking water, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has performed sampling and testing of water from the city’s 283 drinking fountains and found that safety standards have been met.
Of the 283 drinking fountains, 83 are installed at MRT stations, 7 at schools, 158 at parks, and 35 at government agencies. The sampling and testing was conducted between May 10 and July 14. Results show that the E. coli bacteria level in the samples is all below the benchmark of 6 CFU/100 ml, indicating that the water is safe for drinking.
To enhance management of drinking fountains, Taipei Water Department has requested responsible agencies to conduct daily patrol, perform quarterly water test, and utilize a QR Code system to monitor water quality in real time.
According to DEP, regulations require responsible agencies to carry out monthly maintenance and keep a copy of the maintenance record visible near the drinking facilities. Quarterly water test should be performed by certified institutes to ensure that safe drinking water is available at all times.