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Developing Excellence across All Vocations for the Nation’s Strength

Developing Excellence across All Vocations for the Nation’s StrengthIn the morning of April 9, Mayor Ko Wen-je attended a press conference highlighting ten job-specific video tutorials on Taipei CooC-Cloud website.
Taipei CooC-Cloud is an online education database developed by the Department of Education (DOE) and provides video tutorials for students in Taipei and the rest of the island. The ten workplace-specific videos feature a suite of technical skills taught in vocational schools, including dumpling preparation, hairdressing and beauty care, auto repair, and lifestyle and gardening. Not just instructional, these videos are promotional as well, showing the city’s focus on vocational education.
During his address, the mayor stressed that the DOE has placed high priority on vocational education, adding that the idea of making vocational education great is like the Japanese culture of Tatsujin, which implies the commitment to one’s own work. He encourages students on the vocational track to hone in their skills and aim high.
Ko furthered that with every worker mastering his skills of trade, together it can form a tremendous source for the nation’s strength. Delivering quality vocational education is one of the city’s education goals, he noted.
Highlights of the press conference included the awarding of certificates of appreciation to ten teachers who had assisted in filming the video tutorials. The mayor even acted as a model for a haircut by a fashion-styling student from Dao Jiang High School of Nursing and Home Economics. He then tried altering a burr puzzle into a stool with students from Muzha Vocational High School and sampled dumplings prepared by students from Kai Ping Culinary School.