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How do I do for one sewer missed to be connected? Is the sewerage charge refundable?

  1. Please dial the Citizen Hot Line (1999) or contact the Operation Management Section, Sewerage Systems Office (2597-3183, Ext. 188, 116) to help you connect the sewer missed to be linked. Sewerage could basically be classified as household sewerage (wastewater from kitchens, bathrooms, and ground) and septic tanks. If the septic tank is connected to the system, but the household sewage is not, or the household sewerage is connected, but the septic tank is not connected, this office will apply the charge at half of the sewerage service charge and refund the other half of the sewerage service charge. If the septic tank is connected, but the household sewerage is just partially connected, the service charge will continued to apply and the fund already collected for sewerage service will not be refunded.
  2. The connection to household sewerage is defined as follows: 
    • (a)The pipeline for conveying runoff with sludge is not connected but the rest of the system is connected; or 
    • (b)The newly installed sewerage pipe is not connected but the rest of the system is connected; or
    • (c)The number of pipelines connected is in excess of the pipelines for connection by more than 1/2.
  3. In all circumstances and whether the collection of fee is suspended or not, this office will dispatch personnel to the site where the connection of pipeline is incomplete.
  4. Refunds will be effected after this office has identified the household meter number that has overpaid and confirmed the time of proprietorship of the building with notification to relevant housholds by EPOST of their overpayment and application for refund at one time. Those who have not requested for a refund in lump sum will be credited to their monthly account of the water supply bill.