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What responsibility should one citizen take in the event of his (her) failing to comply with Taipei City Government’s policy for free connection of sewers?

In accordance with Article 19, Sewerage Law, and Article 17, Enforcement Rule for Sewerage Law, a resident failing to comply with the Sewerage Systems Office’s sewer connection project shall hire a qualified contractor to complete connection of sewers by applying to the Sewerage Systems Office, Public Works Department (Address: No. 235, Jiuquan St., Taipei City; TEL: 25973183, Ext. 107~111) for linkage between sewers and the sewage piping system within six months since the “date of declaring the sewer piping service activated” locally. If not, the resident shall be fined NTD 3,000 in compliance with Sewerage Law (Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 1, Article 32), and Paragraph 1, Article 3 of the "Taipei City Government Unified Penal Code for Violation of the Sewerage Act in Connection with Sewerage Event". A resident who continuously ignores this regulation will be fined until the project is completed.