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Challenging Yourself – Rock Climbing

In the rock-climbing facility at Neihu Sports Center (內湖運動中心), Steven, from the United States, concentrates intently as he finds the right place to first position his hand, then his foot, while he slowly ascends. Rock climbing is a passion of his, and when back home in the United States he would regularly climb. Since moving to Taipei, he often practices his technique in indoor facilities before heading out to tackle natural climbs.

Rock climbing"The fun in rock climbing,”he says,“comes in the concentration that is required. You place your life in your hands and your technique. The moment you reach your goal you feel a release of pressure through your whole body, and are filled with a sense of joy and pleasure.” Many of his foreign friends who share his love of the sport ask where they can go climbing in Taiwan as soon as they get off the plane – clear proof of their passion. Many regard rock climbing as a sport confined to specialists. T hey think of people of great strength hanging onto cliff faces solely by their fingertips and toes, meaning challenges far beyond the range of normal people. In fact, rock climbing is an extension of mountaineering, originally used by mountain climbers as a practice technique to help overcome the various difficulties they would face in their ascents. In 1970 French nationals developed it into a separate sport, and Francois Savigny developed the first movable rock, made with fiberglass, sand, and resin, laying the foundation for artificial climbing walls and bringing new life to rock climbing.

Climbing Precautions:
  • Warm up first to avoid injury.
  • If climbing without a professional instructor’s supervision, do not climb higher than 3 meters.
  • Wear only qualified climbing equipment, including specialist climbing shoes, safety harness, carabineers, and ropes.
  • Only one climber is permitted on each climbing route at a time, to reduce the risk.

Rock climbingHe Zhongda (何中達), head of the Chinese Taipei Alpine Association (中華民國山岳協會), says that“There are no restrictions in regard to age or body type for rock climbing. Just follow the instructions of your trainers and you can experience the fun of improving step by step.”Many people who have no great love of hiking or have never climbed a mountain nevertheless develop a passion for rock climbing, because the process tempers the mind, strengthens the body, and releases pressure, and maybe brings back sweet childhood memories of tree climbing.

Rock climbing

In general, rock climbing can be divided into indoor “boulder climbing”(抱石攀岩) and graded outdoor climbing. He Zhongda recommends that beginners use indoor facilities for practice, building up skills gradually with wall climbs no higher than 3 or 4 meters and with protective padding below.“Bouldering fields help training climbers develop explosive force,”he says.‘At outdoor sites the height can reach 15 meters, and there is no protective padding below, so belay devices, commonly called“pig noses”(豬鼻子) by Taiwanese climbers,’and Figure 8 Descenders are a must to prevent a possible fall. The greater heights tackled in outdoor climbs increase muscular endurance.

If you are interested in trying your hand at the sport, note that there are a few basic equipment needs. Proper climbing shoes with sticky, high-friction soles are requisite, enabling strong toe grip. Chalk (magnesium carbonate powder) must also be rubbed on hands before climbing to absorb sweat and prevent slipping. Rock climbing has many benefits to recommend it. It strengthens both your endurance and willpower. It also tempers mental acuity and enhances problem-solving skills. Most of the city's sports centers have artificial facilities, with full safety measures and instructors on site to provide guidance, making practicing easy, comfortable, and fun for interested novices.

Rock Climbing Venues in Taipei
Neihu Sports Center 內湖運動中心 Add: 12, Zhouzi St. (洲子街12號) Tel: (02)2656-0052 Wenshan Sports Center 文山運動中心 Add: 222, Sec. 3, Xinglong Rd. (興隆路3段222號) Tel: (02)2230-8268
Wanhua Sports Center 萬華運動中心 Add: 6-1, Xi’ning S. Rd. (西寧南路6之1號) Tel: (02)2381-8878 Civic Bouldergym 市民抱石攀岩館 Add: 552, Sec. 8, Civic Blvd. (市民大道8段552號) Tel: (02)2788-6220
Shilin Sports Center 士林運動中心 Add: 1, Shishan Rd. (士商路1號) Tel: (02)2880-6066 Gonguang Bouldering Rockgym 公館水岸公園抱石攀岩場 Location: Entrance near riverside dike, near 43~45, Xizhou Rd., behind National Taiwan Normal University Branch (師大分部後面,溪洲街43~45號附近河堤進入) Tel: 0972-980-592
Xinyi Sports Center 信義運動中心 Add: 100, Songqin St. (松勤街100號) Tel: (02)8786-1911 Chinese Taipei Alpine Association 中華民國山岳協會 Add: 10F, 185, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd. (中山北路2段185號10樓) Tel: (02)2594-2108 Website: www.mountaineering.org.tw (Chinese)
Nangang Sports Center 南港運動中心 Add: 69, Yucheng St. (玉成街69號) Tel: (02)2653-2279 Chinese Taipei Climbing Association 中華民國攀登協會 Website: climbing.org.tw
Beitou Sports Center 北投運動中心 Add: 100, Ln. 39, Sec. 1, Shipai Rd. (石牌路1段39巷100號) Tel: (02)2820-2880