The Statute is drafted during the meeting of all the owners in the district. A resolution may only be reached when 3/4 of the attendees agree to pass the motion during the first meeting (with no less than 2/3 of the owners in the district attending the meeting). If the number of attendees during the first meeting were insufficient for a resolution to be reached, the convener may reconvene another meeting at a later date. The second meeting will only require 1/5 of the owners to participate and a resolution can be reached as long as 1/2 of the attendees agree to pass the motion. The proposed motion will be printed in written form and distributed to all the owners in the district; opponents to the motion will have seven days to submit their written objection. If the number of objections is less than 1/2 of the total number of the owners in the district, the proposed motion will be deemed as passed.