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What are the features of the Feitsui Fern Garden?

Taiwan is a cornucopia of fern; a plethora of fern species is also preserved in Feitsui Reservoir. It is estimated that 22 families, 45 genus, and 110 species of ferns grow in the Feitsui Reservoir catchment area. In 2007, Feitsui Reservoir Administration cooperated with Hsi-Liu Environmental Greening Foundation to launch one of the first reservoir fern gardens in Taiwan. The garden is designed to demonstrate the evolution process of fern. For instance, Pslloyum nudum (L.) P. Beauv appeared 350 million years ago, Ophloglossum pendulum L., Angiopteris lygodiifolia, and Cyathea lepifera appeared over 200 million years ago, all of which can be found in the garden. Recently, more ferns have been added, such as Woodwardia polifera Hook. & Am., and Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw., all of which appeared over 100 million years ago. Most of these ferns that grow at the bottom of the forest can not only prevent soil erosion, but also facilitate water conservation. Through the fern garden tour, visitors can understand the close relationship between water resources conservation and ecological conservation.