Since the initial impoundment of Feitsui Reservoir in July, 1984, Feitsui Reservoir has actively worked with other authorities to promote the catchment's area soil and water conservation, such as anti-silt sediment reduction. As of 2022, the cumulative sedimentation is 27.821 million cubic meters, which is 6.85% of the initial gross capacity of 406 million cubic meters. The average sediment is 723,000 cubic meters (0.2%), far lower than Peishih Creek's estimated sand transportation of 1.136 million cubic meters. In recent years, with hydraulic de-silting operation running, from 2020 to 2022, the average annual sediment is 312,000 cubic meters, which is only 0.1% of the reservoir's initial gross capacity. Therefore, sedimentation has no impact on the operation of the reservoir at present time.