Why is there a levy of sewerage use fee when a building’s septic tank is not yet obsolete?
In the early days, septic tanks of buildings are installed in the basement. When carrying out user connection, SSO was unable to access the septic tank. If the building did not alter its underground sewage piping at the same time, for the sewage to flow by gravity to the ground floor outside the building and for obsoleting the septic tank or altering it into a waste water pit, in order to improve environment hygiene, SSO would have to use the pressurized sewage effluent pipe (that the building originally used for discharging into the side trench) for connection with the public sewerage system. Since the building has already included into the sewerage system, the sewerage utilization fee is therefore levied according to regulations based on the “user’s pay” principle. For building permits obtained prior to Feb. 13th 1999, the city government currently offers partial subsidies for the obsolescence of existing septic tanks or their alteration into a wastewater pit; qualifications for the subsidy may be queried from the official website under [promotion issues]with regard to subsidy qualification, procedures and amount of subsidy; application forms are available for downloading. Service can also be obtained via the (“Taipei City Government Citizen Service Platform Website” ): [Subsidy Application for obsolescence of existing septic tanks in the building or altering septic tank into a wastewater pit] under: Home / Application Cases – By Entity Category / Public Works Department / Sewerage Systems Office/. For further information, please call Operation Management Division, SSO, (Tel: 2597-3183 ext.106). Any application must be filed prior to the construction work; completed pipeline alteration is not allowed for application.