When preparing and selecting food, women who plan to be pregnant or expectant mothers need to avoid the following foods: 1. coffee and tea 2. foods high in fat, such as bacon, fried food, etc. 3. salty or smoky food, such as sausage, ham, smoky seafood, etc. 4. high sugar food, such as candy, chocolate, dessert, coke, pops drink, etc. 5. spicy, such as hot pepper, black pepper, curry, etc. 6. cigarettes, alcohol drinks and drugs. Should women have vitamin or mineral supplement during pregnancy? According current medical research, it suggests that a woman who is of an age to become pregnant should ingest 400-mcg folic acid every day. Today, most of women are career girls and they usually have their meals out of the home. The way for career girl to have sufficient folic acid is to take a tablet of folic acid multiple vitamins every day, especially before conception and during early pregnancy. It is in order to protect the development of the fetus and prevent serious birth defects in baby.