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Minglun Hall at the Taipei Confucius Temple becomes a 4D Theater

Minglun HallTake a tour of the Taipei Confucius Temple at the moment and you're sure to discover a creative new way of showcasing traditional culture. The temple is a popular spot with locals and foreigners looking
for tranquility and old customs, and with the surge in interest in all things Confucian in recent years the Taipei City Govenment has taken active measures to promote understanding of this crucial aspect of Chinese culture. Now, in a startling innovation for such a decidedly solemn and august venue, the Minglun Hall at Taipei Confucius Temple has been transformed into a 4D theater!

This temple is a key heritage site, and a fine example of traditional temple architecture from Fujian, a province in southern China from where the majority of Taiwanese originally came, centuries ago. While there be sure to take in the Taipei Confucius Temple Six Arts Experience Multimedia Exhibit, an interactive installation that teaches you about the life of Confucius, the special features of the ancient Yi Dance, the system of Confucian rituals, and other fascinating topics. Travel through time and space for a visit with the Foremost Sage and Teacher and a stimulating session of cultural exchange.

Taipei Confucius Temple
Add: 275 Dalong St.
Tel: (02) 2592-3934
Hours: Tue-Sat 08:30~21:00, Sun and national holidays 08:30~17:00 (closed Mon)
Website: http://www-ws.gov.taipei/001/Upload/636/attachment/4141502/home.htm

The good people that take care of the Confucius Temple have also asked experts on Confucianism, theater design consultants and multimedia companies to work together in making the grand transformation of Minglun Hall into a 4D theater, where two 4D virtual-reality special-effects films are now being shown.

The two films are entitled Confucius and Taipei Confucius Temple. In the 13 minute-long first film, experts explore the significance of historical references to the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, as well as images of other related subjects such as dress, sculptures of Confucius, and the elderly and aging. Traditional glove-puppet theater plays a key role in this novel presentation, transporting you into the life of Confucius and regaling you with wondrous 4D special effects such as falling snowflakes all around, as well as pulsating vibrations. Expect to be immersed in
an innovative world of sensation the like of which you've never experienced before!

Minglun Hall inside